
Hi, I'm David, a software engineer with a strong passion for building projects and websites with AI. I enjoy turning ideas into functional and user-friendly applications.


What can I do?

Full-Stack Web Development

Proficient in building responsible design websites with HTML5/CSS and Nextjs/React


Expert in leveraging AI-Driven tools to automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes

Mobile Development

Skilled in developing apps for both Android and iOS devices

Database Management

Competent in managing databases using SQL (NoSQL, SQLite) and optimizing their performance

Cloud & DevOps

Proficient in deploying applications on cloud platforms like AWS (Amplify), GCP, and implementing CI/CD pipelines

Testing & Code Version Control

Git/Github for version control


Map-based search SaaS - wowomap

Language-learning app - Memolog

Life planner app - goalbook

Business and corporate websites

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